Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fix Prestige - Safety Valve Blue Ring

My Haruni

By Roswitha
I have done a great exchange, a Haruni cloth against my delights.
The color I liked and it's really beautiful. bring

The color in the photo over is not easy, so I went out and laid the cloth on the lawn, it is turquoise and in this color I have matching jewelry and since I mostly wear black, it fits really well.

the cloth with so beautiful, it warms and is such a Schmucktück. I wore it tonight on the final evening of our Exerzititen in everyday life and each has admired my scarf - love your fantastic work Roswitha, if I could knit I would certainly have orders for a whole year - smiling.

love Roswitha I embrace you warmly and yell loudly - THANK YOU ♥

morning parade and we have had many guests in the house, my sister and my sweet nieces and nephews and I have my written documentation to be finalized, since I'm not sure so often to be here. Incidentally, my embroidery machine is back and work.

a nice weekend
your Andrea

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Want A My Mother To Whip Me

The self-catering network is online!

I would like to enumerate briefly summarize what is this self-sufficient network.

Mostly, readers know the Web sites and blogs each other not, and this one is still often alone in his environment because each and every went through roughly the same difficulties, or still do when it comes to educating today's world events . as could the other communities also - -
goal is to get to know each other via the net, but then also really come together, thus form regional groups. For example, to create a group with any theme for your region. But at the same time taking other content as an example and do the same for their own region, thus islands formed by experience that in turn flow back into the group pot. Thus, the islands strengthen each other, they become more united country and then at some point. This does not necessarily mean that it only applies to larger projects, such as we have a group for "The little things in life" and "hut", it is open to anyone entering the desired groups and to work with the same or even a set and . lead

self-sufficiency usually means modesty, even in the wallet. Similarly, one of the goals, swaps, money-free systems and promote the simple type, that is, you can make offers craft as a consultant, whatever. We offer our services to each other, in the form of, barter, price reductions or free of charge, the dealer principle. In short, we help each other increase our prosperity, with wealth I mean universally, among other things of life. Objective: The Win-win principle.

There are still more possibilities for "Free Accommodations". Here you can with the project: self Travel International join. How? It's easy! Once you have created your profile you must if you want to also offer accommodation. And if you make time feel like to travel, can You also benefit from it. Whether you offer something or not.

Each self-catering, money free-thinkers, Co-owner, blogger, educator, Permakulturisten, free spirits, nature lovers, whatever, thinking of each of the approximately in our direction, can be as create a profile and is very welcome. And

important to spread the word and if you join, so many invites as you can so that we can also strengthened ahead.

Here's the link:

Austin And Shantelle Rodgers Blog

How enriches his table with different types of oil

Take olive oil and virgin best it can be such as basil, oregano, mushroom, Chilli, garlic, and more move. As with the other issues can also let your creativity run wild. You will see how the color and flavor changes in the oil, depending on the mixture, it can be really delicious.
Why should we settle for expensive items from department stores when you can produce the same quality itself? Quality of life for less money is a good thing, right?

Even high income have to do occasionally wonder whether they should buy the same number of varieties, because even the 100ml part can be very expensive and give only one flavor, the least satisfied. So what do you? make yourself.

take 1 liter of virgin olive oil, takes 2, 3 or more small and decorative bottles, filled them from depending on your mood, and makes it easy at that. Effort is zero. If desired, you can leave the contents of seven or equal to it, as you like. Does look good, the table is laid, what more could you want ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wear A Tie With Your Shirt Untucked

coffee soap - may I introduce? My day's work

She is one of my favorite soaps, I always have a piece of coffee soap the kitchen at the sink are located.
It is capable of strong odors, like onion and garlic to make good on the fingers.
With a very strong coffee (fair trade) I make a brew with which I touch then the liquor.
comes from the coffee grounds after a part in the soap batter, resulting in a great Schrubbeleffekt the soap. Because I like it I scenting my soap with a hint of chocolate and vanilla.

For the bright scraps of soap I have extra soap boiled a very bright and the dark snippets (only in a soap block) are from a plain brown soap that I created in October.

soap after use should always dry well can, otherwise it gets wet and gets used up quickly, well dry soap has quite a long time.
Because some prefer a compact bar of soap like I have also produced short, thick pieces.

who may try a piece, which may write to myself.

Soon I show a beautiful rose soap.

seem elicited by the sunshine, the Christmas roses out already between its leaves and enjoy my heart and hopefully the Eure.

So I greet you warmly