Monday, December 4, 2006

Period Due But Only Thick Brown Discharge

medicine and health policy

Monday, December 4, 2006

Nationwide protests against the health reform
For the first time in West German history, all health professionals have united in opposition to the planned health reforms. Doctors, pharmacists, hospital staff and over 40 organizations and health care organizations participated in a day of protest under the motto ...
patient in need - the reform hurts all.

egg-motif to the action of
the Federal Medical Council,
organized the physicians' Federation,
the German Hospital Association
and the hospital doctors association Marburger Federation

took part nationwide more than 100,000 health care workers: a third of all
Doctors' offices were closed (40,000 physicians), also a third of all hospitals provided their patients only in emergencies and after all was over half of all hospitals are information sessions. Many pharmacies were closed or made an emergency service only. In pedestrian zones and at Christmas markets studied physicians and hospital staff to talk to the citizens. There were information stalls and demonstrations.
The President of the Federal Medical Joerg-Dietrich Hoppe warned the road to a state medicine. The reform would lead to closure of many clinics and hospitals, long waiting times of patients would be Episode. The health care threatens to be turned back on. And capital income would be used to finance healthcare, because the unilateral wage-related funding was no longer sufficient.

opponents: Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe and Ulla Schmidt (SPD)

Hoppe, has already this October in detail the possible consequences of proposed health care reform:

interview with the world "(20.10.2006) with the
Federal Medical Association President Prof. Dr. Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe ...

The World:
Professor Hoppe, doctors make front against the health care reform. Is it not just about grandfathering?
Hoppe: No, we want to inform people about the fact that this reform leads to a system change in health: away from the supply to the medical necessity and to allocate medical * . So far the system is characterized relatively liberal. There are freedom, free choice of doctor and therapy freedom. The reform we are taking a big step toward national health care.
The World: What new rules do you mean specifically?
Hoppe: So far, the decision about the scope of the statutory health insurance for the self administration of health insurance and doctors. The Federal Joint Committee to determine which treatments and medications can be prescribed on a cash cost. In future, the responsibility lies with the de facto Ministry of Health. The established community-based health system is centralized and transferred to a bureaucratic state medicine. The state has mainly the costs in the eye and not the health care needs. To date, it is granted, what is necessary, effective and economical. In the state ruled by allocating the necessary medicine to the financier bears will be adjusted. Under such conditions, the patient is then only the owner of a diagnosis and is supplied in Schedule F.
The World: The performance of panel doctors are evaluated from 2009 € and no longer fluctuating from quarter to quarter points. In addition, the budget will be abolished. This meets the important demands of the government doctors.
Hoppe: Although the bill is that the budgets are hereby repealed. In fact, however, they remain intact. It remains in the chronic under-funding. For the introduction of the new fee structure should be cost neutral. Any doctor can only certain amount of power to euro pricing bill. This is followed by Abstaffelung. The bottom line for the physician changes nothing. It is therefore open to the defendant misconception that insured patients are at the end of the quarter for certain services no doctor and have to wait until the next quarter. Today we talk of budget holidays, when doctors close their offices temporarily, in future they will make lot of holidays.
The World: So be better treated private patients in the future?
Hoppe: In qualitative terms, are private patients were never treated better than insured patients. But who is privately insured, must not take into account waiting times, because this system without a budget manages. However, for private patients who are insured in the proposed base rate, subject to the same restrictions as for all patients.
The World: The hospital sector is to save 500 million. What impact will it?
Hoppe: The hospitals are already in a precarious financial position. Reason, the rate increases, law-related cost increases as the increased VAT from 2007 and higher energy costs. The savings will review the policy to achieve a market shakeout, hospitals are to close or merge. The thinning of the hospital sector for the comprehensive care of patients significant Consequences. We are sliding slowly but surely in the waiting list medicine. The new budget constraints, the cost pressure is further increased. Previously patients were discharged only when they were cured. For older singles, this is important. But this achievement is further eroded.
The World: Convert or with corrections to the reform?
Hoppe: The danger is great that the train has left. Nevertheless, we hope that Members will be unsafe if they understand first what they served the Ministry of Health. However, should the grand coalition for political reasons such difficulty to pull the brake. Especially the Union will not admit that it has negotiated badly. Obviously you want to run through the project now just quickly and without much debate. Such a situation would have in a highly sensitive area such as health care may never happen.
The World: How do exert pressure on the doctors, the policy?
Hoppe: First, there will be an extraordinary 'Conference next week where we will warn of the consequences of the reform. In addition, we plan information activities in the waiting rooms. We will have to tell the patient, who is responsible for the loss of quality in medicine. The associations will ensure that is fully informed. should
Conversation with Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe led Dorothea Siems

The health reform, the benefit assessment of drugs in a cost-benefit analysis be expanded. This point is particularly bad and has been perceived in the Öffentlchkeit enough. Stood so far at least in theory and according to the Hippocratic Oath of doctors on the patients, it is now the life of the patient are weighed against money. Welch inhuman consequences it can have, one was recently seen a message from the UK: There rejected the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for the reimbursement of the two innoativen and effective cancer drug Avastin (Roche) and Erbitux (Merck KG) from their high prices. Scale were the costs that are necessary for an additional years in good quality of life (the benefits) to win. If these costs exceed the equivalent of 44,000 euros per year of life, a refund is not recommended (Source: internally, 30.8.2006). In Germany, evaluated the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) the benefit and in future the cost of medicines.

The pharmacists also expect serious Impact of health reform on patient care and relate in particular to the planned changes to the fixed prices for prescription Medikamente.Die previous fixed prices should be replaced by the maximum prices that can be maintained. This gives the possibility of health insurance with drug manufacturers to agree to more favorable prices than before. To enhance competition, get the pharmacies can "voluntarily" to the legal drug co-payments to refrain entirely or in part, as these are part of the price of prescription Azneimittel. That would have life-threatening consequences for many pharmacies, since the legal Co-payments in the same order as the trade margins on prescription drugs are. The prescription drugs produce in the average pharmacy is still two thirds of sales and also in some of the profits. Suddenly, many pharmacies would no longer viable. The nationwide supply of medicines and of course many jobs would be jeopardized. Longer term, the prices of non-prescription medicines, which have declined since its release in 2004 for customers happily clearly pick up again. The number of providers would be compared to the demand side (the pharmacy customers) reduce significantly the resignation of many pharmacies, which tends to effect price-raising by the then less competition.
should also be saved in 2007 another 500 million euros. Health insurance companies and pharmacies are obliged to price negotiations in order to achieve this goal. The pharmacies are to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies extra discounts that they should disclose to the public health insurance. Find the pharmacies in the pharmaceutical industry not listen, they must pay a mandatory discount of an equivalent amount to the health insurance.
Federal Health Minister Ulla Schmidt (SPD), criticized the protests were unnecessary and each group of health professionals protest only for their own interests. The patients were taken by the protests "hostage". Their spokesman said, watch the ministry "a jealous" about the fact that the reform was fully implemented. The government will not experience any permanent resistance.
The associations of health announced the other hand, continue the protests even after the possible entry into force of the reform law to do.

Jens Christian Heuer (own report)
Sources: Reuters Germany, Financial Times Germany Internet edition, Press Release of the Federal Medical Council and Ministry of Health)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Insalancny Kod Pre Srs Street Racing


15-20 million people in Germany suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). Only 10% of the cases of high blood pressure can be attributed to a specific cause. This is called secondary hypertension. Causes may be as kidney disease or a narrowing of the main artery (aorta). In 90% of all cases can not (yet) do not trigger the underlying disease (primary hypertension). There are only risk factors that make the occurrence of primary hypertension likely. These include physical inactivity, obesity, Smoking, frequent and heavy alcohol consumption, diabetes (diabetes), but also about long working hours (see also research date of 21 October 2006: "Long hours harm to health") and stress. In some cases, lifestyle changes alone can normalize blood pressure, failing a drug therapy is essential because untreated, chronically elevated blood pressure has serious consequences. These include heart failure (heart failure), stroke, brain hemorrhage and blood vessel damage that can lead to circulation problems, heart attacks and kidney damage.
Blood pressure is generated by the pumping of the heart in the blood vessel system of arteries (high-pressure system) and veins (low pressure system). It depends on the with every heartbeat in the main artery (aorta) depressed blood flow (stroke volume) and the flow resistance of the blood vessel system, ie the length and elasticity of blood vessels, especially the high-pressure system.

main artery (aorta)
(from Wikipedia)
more rigid and narrow the vessels are, the more pressure can build up under the same Hezschlagvolumen. The blood pressure varies and is the contraction the heart muscle, so the actual pumping (systole) than for the relaxation of the heart (diastole). This creates a palpable pulse and the two blood pressure values. The first number is the systolic, the second number is the diastolic blood pressure. Optimal values are mm Hg, 120/80, 130/80-90 still normal, values of as high normal values of 135-140/85-90 are and everything about it is already more or less pathological.
Normal blood pressure is the result of ongoing focal-control processes. By pressure-sensitive nerve endings (pressure sensors) in the wall of the aorta and the carotid arteries, the circulation center in the brain (brain stem) immediately informed if the blood pressure rises or falls and controls it. It is a short, medium and long-term effective control.
responds the short term, the autonomic nervous system. In a blood pressure drop, the activity of the sympathetic neurotransmitter norepinephrine with his and the activity of the parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetylcholine from his. An increase in cardiac activity and the (peripheral, ie marginal) blood vessels constrict, so that the blood pressure rises again. With a rise in blood pressure, it behaves just the opposite.

Keywords: autonomic nervous system The autonomic nervous system controls together with the endocrine (Endocrine = inward directly into the blood) system (hormones) the inner world's (human) organism. It is true the functions of internal organs quickly to the needs of the organism from, because the neural control allows for very rapid adaptation, while the endocrine system, the functional state of the internal organs regulates long-term. The autonomic nervous system, the central portions of the brain stem, hypothalamus and spinal cord are located, is divided into a sympathetic component (sympathetic) and into a parasympathetic component (parasympathetic), the opponents are. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system (neurotransmitter noradrenaline) puts the organism into a state of increased readiness to perform: Cardiac force, heart rate and blood pressure increase, the muscle blood flow increases, the bronchi dilate (better breathing), is for better energy released in the liver glucose from the glycogen and fat stores are broken down more restricted all digestive processes and the pupils weitgestellt.Der parasympathetic is however, during periods of rest (recovery period) of the organism activated: reducing heart force and heart rate, blood pressure and narrowing of the bronchi, salivation, and increased activity of the digestive tract, and pupil constriction.

out medium term, a blood pressure-triggered by reduced blood flow to increased renin-education and distribution in the kidney. Renin is an enzyme that converts angiotensinogen occurring in the blood - a small protein formed in the liver - by cleavage to angiotensin I by. Another occurring in the walls of blood vessels enzyme ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II by. Angiotensin II acts very much on the smooth muscle of blood vessels that constrict the fact so that the blood pressure rises again. Angiotensin also destroyed in the blood also occurring kinins, small proteins that extend as signal substances normally the blood vessels (bradykinin, Substance P). Also will help raise your blood pressure again. In a blood pressure rise is all the other way around.

Keywords: Enzyme enzymes are complex molecules built protein (proteins) that are used in all cells but also extracellularly (outside the cell) before and act as biocatalysts. They accelerate like all catalysts, chemical reactions, without having to change themselves and act in this very specific, that they accept only certain chemical compounds, their substrates, and they provide only very specific chemical reactions. They thus in the first place a regular metabolism by selecting certain reactions possible in principle. Enzymes control the metabolism, as they change their activity under the influence of signal substances and thus adapt the metabolism of the respective situation.

has long term angiotensin II also addresses the adrenal cortex, which then secretes the hormone aldosterone increases. Aldosterone ensures that the kidney excretes less sodium ions, but which can be retained only with their water solution. The amount of fluid in the blood vessels increases. The retained sodium ions accumulate in the blood vessel walls, making them much more sensitive to the neurotransmitter noradrenaline, the sympathetic . Both processes can lead to high blood pressure. The well-known fact that too much favor common salt (sodium chloride), high blood pressure can thus also be well explained. A blood pressure increase in turn triggers exactly the opposite processes. The
just discussed in blood pressure control processes provide targets for drug therapy:

Sympathikushemmer act directly on the circulatory system in the brain, where they reduce the activity of the autonomic nervous system Sympathikusanteils and therefore reduce blood pressure. They are preferred in severe hypertension. Common side effects include slow heart beat (bradycardia), sedation (sedation), dry mouth and impotence.
are examples: clonidine (Catapresan (R)) , Metyldopa (Presinol (R)) that interfere in addition, the norepinephrine synthesis (see below) and dihydralazine (Nepresol (R) ) .
Entspeicherer / false precursor lead to a deficiency of norepinephrine in the nerve endings (synapses) of the sympathetic nervous system and thus inhibit its effect the blood vessels, causing them further and drops in blood pressure. guanethidine (Esimil (R)) and reserpine (Briserin (R)) raise storage capacity of the bubbles (vesicles) in which norepinephrine is stored prior to distribution, while methyldopa (Presinol ( R) , above) interfere as false precursor, the synthesis of noradrenaline in the nerve endings by a false neurotransmitter is formed.

Keywords: Nerve cells nerve cells (neurons) are electrical Specialized conduction cells are the building blocks of the nervous system. They consist of a cell body (soma), tree-like branched processes of the cell body, the dendrites, which receive from other nerve cells, emotions, and a further single, long extension, the axon that conveys the excitement of contact points (synapses) to other nerve cells. A nerve cell can have up to 10,000 synapses. While the excitement within a nerve cell propagates purely electric, the excitation is transmitted from one to the other nerve cell by signaling molecules that are stored by the synapses of a nerve cell in vesicles and released during an incoming electrical excitation be. These so-called neurotransmitter release at the dendrites of the receiving nerve cell - after binding to specific receptors - again, an electrical excitation from. Afterwards, the neurotransmitter enzymatically degraded and the receptors are free again. Nerve cells can not only attract other nerve cells, but also other target cells through release of neurotransmitters such as muscle cells or glands.
The electrical excitation of nerve cells (or other cells) is done as follows: The nerve cell is like all other cells from a semi-fluid lipid bilayer membrane surrounded. Lipids are fatty substances with a long fat-soluble and a short water-soluble fraction. The fat-soluble components are in the bilayer membrane facing each other, the water-soluble components have one outside and one inside. In the membrane mosaic proteins are embedded. When the proteins are enzymes (see above), receptors (see below) or if they extend from the outside in, forming a kind of tube is it's ion channels. In the water surrounding the cell membrane are positively charged Natium, potassium and calcium ions and negatively charged chloride ions and ion water.The protein has enzymatic cell membrane ion pumps that use energy to sodium ions outward and potassium ions move inward. The diaphragm is apart from the ion channels for ion virtually impermeable. In the rest of the nerve cell, only the potassium channels are open. Since the ion pump is inside a potassium ion excess they migrate along the concentration gradient through the potassium channels open to the outside. Since not come behind the negatively charged ions produced inside and outside a positive, a negative charge excess between which an electric field is created. This is getting bigger, until finally, it prevents further migration of positively charged potassium ions to the outside. It is a so-called resting potential, because without the migration of potassium ions, the electric field not be stronger. Now bind the neurotransmitters to their receptors on the nerve cell, or decrease the resting potential by another electric field, as in the conduction within the nerve cell, then open up suddenly, the sodium channels (and also slower calcium channels), the positively charged sodium ions (calcium ions ) flow along their concentration gradient from outside to inside and the potassium channels close. The resting potential collapses, and there is an action potential with the opposite Ladungsverhältnissen.Nach short time, the potassium channels open again, and the ion pump in place by now closed sodium channels, the resting potential Restore.

alpha blockers cause an enlargement of the peripheral (marginal) blood vessels by blocking alpha receptors located there for norepinephrine, the neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system loses its influence on the (smooth) muscle of the peripheral blood vessels. The muscles are relaxed, the blood vessels and further decreases in blood pressure. However, the sympathetic effect, the cardiovascular center in the brain stem and the renin-angiotensin mechanism (see above) of the blood pressure lowering and lifting against the first drop in blood pressure was at least partly on again. Remedy is by addition of beta-blockers (calming the heart, inhibition of renin release) and diuretics possible (see below). Known alpha blockers doxazosin are (Cardular (R)) , prazosin (Minipress (R)) and urapidil (Ebrantil (R)) , which in addition also a direct Sympathikushemmer (so) .

Keywords: receptors receptors are receiving mechanisms that respond to each specific body's own signaling molecules (hormones, neurotransmitters) or exogenous substances (drugs) specifically. The receptors are proteins and are often found in cell membranes, but often also in the cytoplasm or the nucleus. Each receptor protein molecule has a binding site, a kind of bag that is shaped to a different, usually much smaller molecule, the signal or agent, here as a key fits into a lock. This key is then a suitable agonist, causing a deformation of the receptor molecule, which is then triggered a signal or an effect. Substances that are similar to the agonist, but can not exactly fit the bag to block the receptor molecule, without causing deformation. These so-called Antagonists (antagonist) compete with the agonist to the same receptor binding site and, thus, prevent the triggering of a signal or an effect.

Beta blockers block the beta- receptors for norepinephrine, the neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system, its effect decreases it. A distinction is beta-1 receptors, which occur mainly in the heart (increased heart force and heart rate) and kidney (increased renin formation) and beta-2 receptors in the lungs (bronchodilator), liver (increased breakdown of glycogen to glucose, an energy carrier), as in fat cells (mobilization of fat reserves of energy) and in the small arterial blood vessels (expansion, improved blood flow as the muscle) are found. A blockade of the beta-1 receptors slows the heart, reduces the amount of formed in the kidney renin (attenuation of the renin-Angitensin mechanism), thereby reducing blood pressure. The beta 2-blockade, however, difficult breathing, as the bronchial tubes are close by (caution in patients with spastic bronchitis or asthma!). Angestebt is therefore a possible selective beta-1 blockade. This was achieved quite well in atenolol (Tenormin (R)) , bisoprolol (Concor (R)) and metoprolol (Beloc (R)) . Non-selective beta blockers propranolol are (Dociton (R)) , sotalol (Sotalex (R)) and Carvedilol (carvedilol (R)), blocks which not only beta-receptors but also the alpha- receptors in the peripheral blood vessels, so that these extended. celiprolol (Selectol (R)) blocks beta-1 and activates the blutgefäßerweiternden beta-2 receptors.
Common side effects of beta blockers are headache, dizziness and fatigue as a sign of excessive blood pressure reduction. Continue to emerge gastrointestinal probems and erectile dysfunction.

ACE - inhibitors block the enzyme ACE and thus the formation of strong vasoconstrictive angiotensin II (see above). The reduced formation of angiotensin II also leads to reduced aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex, resulting in less fluid is retained by the kidney. The amount of fluid in the blood vessels decreases. The increased excretion of dissolved salt can decrease the sodium ion concentration in the blood vessel walls, thereby decreasing their responsiveness to the sympathetic vasoconstriction acting (see above). All this lowers denBlutdruck. Since the ACE enzyme normally blutgefäßerweiternde kinins (above) breaks down, it comes through the ACE-blockade in an increased incidence of these small proteins (bradykinin, substance P) in the blood. This supports the one hand, the target blood pressure-lowering effect, on the other hand, these substances irritate the bronchial tubes, which can lead to severe coughing. Of these most common side effect of ACE inhibitors affect up to 30% of patients.

ACE inhibitors should not be combined with potassium-sparing diuretics (see below), otherwise an excessive accumulation of potassium ions in the blood comes. It is then the risk of life-threatening Heart rhythm disturbances in cardiac arrest! are in contrast to the beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors metabolically neutral, meaning they have no influence on lipid and glucose metabolism and protect the kidneys. Both are especially important in diabetics. The most ACE inhibitors are captopril (Lopirin (R)) , enalapril (Xanef (R)) , lisinopril (Zestril (R)) and ramipril (Delix (R)) .

AT-II blocker (Angiotensinantagonisten) displace angiotensin II from its receptor binding site and keep then all effects of Angiotensin II (above) more or less. The blood pressure drops. Since there is no ACE inhibition, not even the kinins appear increasingly in the blood, so that the typical ACE inhibitor cough absent (see above). The AT-II blockers may be in no case with potassium-sparing diuretics (see below) taken together. Known AT-II blocker candesartan are (Blopress (R)) , losartan (Lorzaar (R)) and valsartan (Diovan (R) , Provas (R)) .

calcium antagonists directly expand the blood vessels, thereby including vascular smooth muscles relax, so that the blood pressure decreases. They do this by blocking the slow Calciumioneneinstrom in the muscle cells. The smooth muscles to contract is no longer with excitement. At the same time aggravate calcium antagonists, the electrical stimulation of the muscles, which allows calcium influx and thus the contraction of muscles. A distinction is selective calcium antagonists such as nifedipine (Adalat (R)) , nitrendipine (Bayotensin (R)) and amlodipine (Norvasc (R)) of non-selective calcium antagonist, not only on vascular muscle but also effect on heart muscles, such as verapamil (Isoptin (R)) and diltiazem (Dilz (R)) . Non-selective calcium channel blockers may not be used in heart failure (heart failure).
calcium antagonists often cause a sudden, but transient skin redness (flushing) and headache due to the widening of the (arterial) blood vessels.

Keywords: muscle The muscles consist of elongated fibers that zsammenziehen at the arrival of an electrical stimulus (muscle contraction). The muscle fibers are made of parallel threads umeinanderliegenden protein involved in the contraction (shortening or tension slide into each other) telescope. This process is triggered by calcium ions flow during electrical stimulation in the muscle cells and then attach themselves to the protein filaments. After contraction, the calcium ions leave the protein filaments again, which then languish until the next contraction. The muscular contraction of course, require energy that is provided in the form of the energy-rich substance ATP (adenosine triphosphate). In the cleavage of ATP, the energy is then released. The ATP in turn is formed in the "cold combustion" of nutrients such as glucose or fats.
There are skeletal muscles that the voluntary control and are subject to contract quickly contract smooth muscles, which are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and slow. Then there are the heart muscle that are similar to the skeletal muscles, but not (usually) subject to the will, but are also controlled vegetative.

nitrates cause an enzymatically mediated release of the signal substance NO (nitric oxide) in the blood vessel wall. The NO enters the vascular smooth muscle and activated there an enzymatic reaction chain that leads to a decrease in calcium ion concentration, after which the muscles relax. The arterial vessels are more and blood pressure decreases. Also, the veins will continue to hold more blood. The heart is relieved by the same course through the lower blood pressure. Known nitrates the nitroglycerin (Nitrolingual (R)) are is, however, degrade rapidly in the liver and therefore be administered as a spray or Zerbeißkapsel must the isosorbide dinitrate (Isoket (R)) that isosorbide mononitrate (CONPIN (R)) and molsidomine (CORVATON (R)) . Nitrates are primarily in the presence of angina pectoris (chest tightness) was used in which a discrepancy between oxygen demand of the heart muscle and the oxygen supply. It is then particularly to a discharge to the heart to correct this imbalance.

more direct vessel effective blood pressure medicines are Minoxidil (Lonolox (R)) , it opens the potassium channels, after which the potassium ions leave the muscle and the vessels limp ; dihydralazine (Nepresol (R)) , it inhibits mediated by the signal substance IP3 (inositol triphosphate), the release of the slow Calcium ions (see above) from their location, the ER (endoplasmic reticulum), a membrane-tube network within the muscle cells, so that losing the vessel walls their tension and cicletanine (Justar (R)) , it increases the blood vessel walls running education of prostacyclin, a small protein bodies, acting vasodilators.

diuretics act on the kidneys and see to it that are more sodium ions and chloride ions (salt) excreted along with their water solution. From the heart to be pumped liquid volume is reduced, so that the pressure drops in the blood stream. More important is that caused by the increased salt excretion decrease in sodium ion concentration in the smooth muscle of blood vessels (see above). They will thus become less sensitive to the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, the influence of the sympathetic nervous system decreases, and decreases in blood pressure.

Keywords: kidney The two bean-shaped kidneys consist of little more than 1 million units, the nephrons. Each nephron consists of a renal tubules and the associated. This is a blood renal glomeruli, in the arterial blood, venous blood flows in and out. It is surrounded by a tight-fitting, double-walled capsule, the gap in the coiled and looped tubules extending passes. This takes the tubules in the renal corpuscles from the blood filtered liquid, the primary urine. This filtrate contains the water, all other blood components, except for those who because of their size can not be filtered, so the blood cells (white and red blood cells, platelets) and blood proteins. In an adult flow in 24 hours around 1700 liters of blood through the kidneys, then about 170 liters of primary urine . Filtration In the tubules of the nephrons of the primary urine is concentrated, so that is excreted in 24 hours, only 1.5 liters of urine. By active transport (including energy costs) by using ion pumps, particularly sodium ions pass through the wall of the tubules from the inside out. Here, a concentration gradient set up so that water follows the sodium ion solution and together with these and other ions in the tubules flows at tight blood vessels. The liquid flow into the tubules and the liquid in the relevant blood vessels in opposite directions so that the counter current principle effectively is. Which here means the following: blood fluid which already has taken many sodium ions, separated flows, through the wall of tubules, as fluid in the tubules, which has lost little sodium ions (and flows in the opposite direction). Blood fluid with little sodium ions "encounters" of the fluid in the tubules, which is already relatively high in sodium ions "got rid" color.Download operations are under the influence of at least three signal substances (hormones). Aldosterone promotes the active sodium ion transport into the blood by stimulating the production of ion pumps that transport sodium and potassium ions in opposite directions. This increases of course something of the return flow of the solution water from the tubules into the blood, because relatively more sodium ions are transported as potassium ions. The potassium excretion takes but still noticeable. Adiuretin, a small protein bodies from the pituitary gland in the brain stem facilitates direct the return flow of water from the tubules into Blut.Das ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide), a protein that is released from the muscles of the atria, increased contrast, the sodium ion and thus the fluid excretion in the urine Harnkanälchen.Die increases also. are excreted in the urine many final metabolic waste products such as urea, uric acid, bile pigments, Medication, but all too abundantly absorbed salts. The kidneys have therefore regulate an important detoxification function and at the same time the mineral and water balance. Other objects of the kidney, the production of renin (see above) and of erythropoietin, one for blood formation in the bone marrow indispensable hormone.

The diuretics may be divided according to their sites of action in the various sections of the tubules:

thiazides act at the top of the ascending limb where they inhibit the active sodium ion and chloride ion transport. Potassium ions also excreted increased. Thiazides are known hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrix (R)) and Xipamide (Aquaphor (R)) .

loop diuretics act on the lower part of the ascending limb, shortly after the Henle loop and block where the active sodium ion, potassium ion and chloride ion transport, and calcium ions are excreted increased. The effect of loop diuretics is short but intense. It is to be feared relatively high potassium loss. furosemide (Lasix (R)) and torasemide (Unat (R)) are representative of this group of drugs.

potassium-sparing diuretics contribute in the last section of the tubules and are often antagonists (antagonists) of aldosterone. They suppress the aldosterone from its receptor inside the cell, so that the aldosterone no longer coupled to its receptor-enter the cell nucleus and can spark off the production of signaling proteins, the AIP's (aldosterone-induced proteins). The AIP's are nothing more than the already mentioned above, sodium-potassium ion pump to transport the two ions in opposite directions. Potassium-sparing diuretics increase the sodium ion excretion therefore, the potassium ions are held back against it. The diuretic effect is compared with the other Diuretics very weak. As an example, spironolactone is (Aldactone (R)) called . are often combined potassium-sparing diuretics with other diuretics. We then have a sufficient effect, yet no loss of potassium, as in spironolactone with hydrochlorothiazide (Spironothiazid (R)) or spironolactone with furosemide (Spiro comp (R)) . There are also potassium-sparing diuretics, aldosterone antagonists are not. They also act in the last section of the tubules. However, they block sodium channels there and thus inhibit the sodium ion-hydrogen ion exchange. In turn, the potassium ion excretion reduced. These potassium-wasting diuretics are usually combined with other diuretics, eg amiloride with hydrochlorothiazide (Diursan (R)) and triamterene with hydrochlorothiazide (Dytide H (R)) . should

nephron as the basic building blocks of the kidney (Wikipedia)

The procedure for drug high blood pressure treatment now are presented briefly in conclusion:

Mon otherapie
When monotherapy with one drug has to be changed several times, until one is found, to which the patient responds well and occur when no major side effects also. For the Mono Beta Blocker Therapy are , diuretics , calcium antagonists , ACE inhibitors and AT-II blockers .
occurs within 1-3 months, no beneficial effects one should be shifted to a double combination.

dual combination
The dual combination is superior to a monotherapy, as the effects of various agents potentiate and often reduces the side effects because the individual drugs can be dosed less. Therefore, it is in the modern treatment of high blood pressure over this, sooner rather than later drug combinations of two or even three drugs prescribed.
are typical dual combinations:
diuretic and beta blocker or calcium antagonist or ACE inhibitors or AT-II blockers
calcium antagonist and beta blocker or ACE inhibitors
not enough this, too, is switched to the triple combination.

triple combination
Here are typical:
diuretic and beta blockers and a directly vasodilator drug
diuretic and ACE inhibitors or AT-II blockers and calcium antagonist
diuretic and sympatholytic and a direct vasodilator drug

last resort
Should not everything to, you combine a potent diuretic with directly vasodilator minoxidil and alpha blockers . This combination is almost always effective, but is often poorly tolerated.

Jens Christian Heuer

Monday, November 20, 2006

Pityriasis Rosea And Ringworm


We thank all who feel connected with us in mourning and is to be taken in a variety of sympathy expressed. We would especially like to thank Dr. Schmeck-Lindenau, the other doctors, the nurses and nurses of the hospital "public park" for the intense and loving Betreung of the late Kurt Heuer. Pastor Bellmer thank you for the good conversation and comforting words.

Anna-Maria Heuer
Jens Christian Heuer and Hedda

Monday, November 6, 2006

Skateland Putty Hill Hours


Who in Hearts of his loved ones, lives is not dead, he is just away

A fulfilled life is over.

Sadly we take leave of my dear husband, my father, father and grandfather

Kurt Heuer
* 03.15.1927 in Kassel
+ 05.11. 2006 in Bremerhaven

In love and gratitude:
Anna-Maria Heuer
Jens Christian Heuer and Hedda
with Ariane

27624 Bad Bederkesa, Gröpelinger st 8 and 10

The funeral will be held on Friday 10 November 2006, at 13:30 clock in the cemetery chapel Bad Bederkesa instead. Then we ask to a coffee in the Waldschlößchen Bösehof.
instead ask kindly sent flowers and wreaths, we thought about a donation to the German Air Rescue Association to the account 110002997 at Kreissparkasse Wesermünde-Hadeln,
BLZ 29,250,150th
of condolences at the grave we ask distance . Take is

Friday, October 13, 2006

Erection While Getting A Waxing


rescue from the air

The Lion Pharmacy Bederkesa you today the most modern air ambulance company in Europe, the German Air Rescue Association German Air Rescue (DRF).
end of September this year, led by the DRF an urgent air transportation from Stockholm to Bremerhaven, which was not postponed. The used aircraft, a King Air 200 was in Stockholm filled up within 21 hours and ready to fly with the necessary staff.

King Air B200 air ambulance
Crew: 2 pilots, ambulance and paramedic

After the patient had received in the University Hospital in Stockholm, an initial supply, it was within 2 hours from Stockholm to Bremerhaven flown Luneort, from where it continues went to a hospital in Bremerhaven.
I can any citizen who likes to travel only advise urgently to join such an air ambulance company, so that ensures a rapid emergency transport back to Germany. More information, please contact us or visit the address .

Kurt Heuer

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Prosumer Hd Camcorders Comparison 000

health policy

Sunday 8th October 2006

compromise on health reform found

Photo: Associatet Press (AP) A top round
the grand coalition of CDU and SPD, consisting of Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, SPD - party leader Kurt Beck and the Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber (CSU) has negotiated in the early hours of Thursday, October 5, a compromise on health reform. The compromise was difficult, because the CDU / CSU and SPD, with very layouts on different ideas went into the negotiations. The Union wanted a uniform independent capitation fee for all insured from personal income with a social justice through grants from taxes for low-income insured. The SPD argued for a caring citizen with income-related insurance premiums for all, including the privately insured.

The result is now an extremely complex work of reform. The main points are now displayed in short

health insurance
early 2007, the insurance premiums to rise by about 0.5%, to close a looming billion hole in the statutory health insurance funds. The average contribution rate for insurance customers would increase to 14.7%. The funds will also use this extra revenue to unburdened by debt in 2009 with the Health Fund (see below) to start.
The labor is so expensive and in addition to missing the original target of reducing labor costs.

child insurance
children should continue to be covered without any contribution. In the long term funding completely through taxation. This would require 16 billion euros needed, but so far no one knows where the money will come. The compromise provides only the 2008 tax review to increase gradually, initially, 1.5 billion euros planned in 2009 will have 3 billion.

Health Fund
The health fund is the core element of the reform. In the fund are to be paid from 2009 contributions for employees and employers; show any subsidies from taxpayers' money. The statutory health insurance funds received under this fund a unit review. Health insurance companies that do not so may bring an additional contribution, which, like the SPD enforced but must be not more than 1% of insured income. By this 1% limit to the socially disadvantaged are protected. However the funds charge an additional contribution of € 8 per month, regardless of this 1% limit. In the Union, this is welcomed as an introduction to the originally proposed capitation. The SPD-Left rejects for the same reason in particular from this scheme. If an additional premium charged, it shall conform to their health insurance members actively aware of the possibility of a cash exchange. The aim of the competition between the public health insurance to be strengthened.
The health fund also takes on the risk compensation between health insurance, health insurance companies that are having a relatively higher proportion of insured persons with "expensive" diseases compensated financially. The risk compensation should be based on characteristics such as 50-80 Crane cardiovascular diseases, cancer, AIDS, etc..

Private health insurance
The private health insurance companies must offer a basic tariff in the future without a medical examination, which will be based on the maximum contribution of public health insurance, which currently amounts to 500 € per month. Does this contribution to the need for assistance, it is cut in half and if you still financial difficulties exist, it will give grants from the state. This base rate is all voluntarily insured and also be open to previously uninsured.
The removal of insured persons with a higher risk of disease to the public health insurance through the private is so limited. be
A change of the insured to another private health insurance, the accumulated retirement provisions in the amount of the base rate "taken". This should also increase competition between private health insurers. However, it remains the cash exchange at a loss for those who are insured through the base fare.
The position of the insured will be improved as a result something which may be reflected in better medical services, to maintain or gain new members. So, a little more market for the benefit of the people.
When changing to a public health insurance can no retirement provisions are taken over.

doctors' fees
As of 2009, introduced a new fee for the doctors order. Instead of the current points system be introduced flat-rate prices. The budget will be abolished and replaced by a so-called supply management. This means that the packages are reduced if the doctor treated too many patients with the corresponding disease.
further task is to create financial incentives for doctors to settle in underserved areas.

The drugs do CDU and the SPD in the year 2007 to save another 500 million euros. Cash and pharmacies are obliged to price negotiations in order to achieve this goal. The pharmacies are to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies extra discounts that they should share fully with the statutory health insurance. Find the pharmacies in the pharmaceutical industry not listen, they must necessarily special discounts in the appropriate amount to pay to health insurance.
The previous fixed prices for prescription drugs will be replaced by ceiling prices. This gives the possibility of health insurance with drug manufacturers to agree on lower prices than before. The pharmacies have the option to the legal drug co-payments in whole or in part, to abandon "voluntary", as these are part of the price of prescription Azneimittel.
This would have life-threatening consequences for many pharmacies, as the legal co-payments in the same Magnitude as the trade margins on prescription drugs are. Many pharmacies would certainly not survive. The nationwide supply of medicines and also many jobs would be jeopardized.
when prescribing innovative and expensive drugs, the attending physician is required to obtain a second medical opinion in the future. Furthermore, the benefit assessment of drugs in a cost-benefit evaluation will be expanded.
This point is especially bad in my opinion, and was previously seen in the Öffentlchkeit enough. As of yet at least in theory and according to the Hippocratic Oath of doctors on the patients, it is now the life of the patient are weighed against money. Welch inhuman consequences it can have, one could take a message from the UK: There rejected the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) the reimbursement of the two innoativen and effective cancer drug Avastin (Roche) and Erbitux ( Merck KG) for the high prices from. Scale, the costs that are necessary to an additional years in good quality of life (utility) are to win. If these costs exceed the equivalent of 44,000 euros per year of life, then a Reimbursement is not recommended (source: internal market 08/30/2006). In Germany, evaluated the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) the benefit and in future the cost of medicines.

funds and associations
The self-management of health insurance is maintained. In the future there should be only one uniform national governing body instead of seven. The merger will be completed by end of 2007. Mergers between public health insurance should be possible.

Other The
of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) recommended vaccinations are converted to a standard benefit, which must be paid by health insurance. Also apply to parent-child treatments have the cash to pay the future. For elderly and dependent people, there is a legal right to rehabilitation. This can be done by place of residence or mobile rehabilitation team. Critically ill patients receive special care in their familiar home Umfeld.Geistig and physically severely disabled residents are from the health insurance to provide them with tools so that their participation is assured in social life. Members of residential communities and other new Living forms have a legal right to home care patients as in normal households. contributors who can not medically necessary services (eg cosmetic surgery) to make are not entitled to reimbursement by health insurance, even if complications do not occur.
The health insurance must offer special rates for insured physician who visit your GP first, rather than immediately consult an expensive specialist. Regular screening and early detection measures can be rewarded by health insurance.
in hospitals to out-patient care can be improved. To ensure funds and hospitals to spend more money.

Jens Christian Heuer (own report comments in red )

Sources: Federal Ministry of Health, Financial Times Germany Internet edition